Rochelle Park Police Seeking Robbery Suspect and Alleged Accomplice
According to Robert Flannelly, the chief of the Rochelle Park Police Department, a robbery was committed at the Bank of Rochelle Park, located at the intersection of Rochelle Avenue and Passaic Street in Rochelle Park, on Tuesday, June 17th at approximately 12:45 p.m. Per reports, the primary suspect, who demanded that a bank employee put money in the bag he was carrying, may have fled the scene in a vehicle driven by an accomplice.
Authorities are now attempting to identify the man who committed the robbery, while wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, white sneakers, and a black baseball cap. They are also pursuing leads related to his suspected accomplice, who may have been waiting in a vehicle outside of the bank. In addition, investigators are trying to locate another person of interest, who was wearing a white t-shirt when he entered the bank 30 minutes prior to the robbery.
If any of the aforementioned suspects is identified and ultimately charged in connection with this case, he could be facing charges for robbery, which are addressed under N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1 in the New Jersey Criminal Code. This statute stipulates that robbery offenses can be graded as first or second degree crimes, both of which are punishable by extremely severe penalties upon conviction. Typically, these offenses are classified as second degree, unless someone is injured during the commission of the crime or the actor is armed with or threatens the use of a deadly weapon, in which case the charges are elevated to first degree. In either case, robbery is among the offenses governed by New Jersey’s No Early Release Act, which requires a defendant to serve 85% of the sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole.
For more information regarding this case, access the following article: Rochelle Park bank robber may have had an accomplice, police say