Arrested Taking Gun To The Range – Shooting Range Gun Charges – Arrested with gun in trunk
How To Beat A Gun Charge
Part 5.
“Arrested While Taking Gun To The Shooting Range”
Were you arrested while traveling to the gun range in New Jersey? This can be a very serious charge but it doesn’t have to be. To lawfully travel to and from the gun range in NJ, you must store your weapon legally in the trunk in a gun case separate from the ammunition. If you didn’t do that, you can be charged with unlawful possession of a weapon in the second degree. The only way to travel with the gun on your person or in the car within your reach is to have a legal carry permit in the State of NJ (which are almost impossible to obtain unless you are a law enforcement officer). Otherwise, you need to travel with your weapon legally or face serious charges for failure to do so.
How to beat a gun charge #1: Challenging the “consent” of a search.
How to beat a gun charge #2. Challenging motor vehicle stops and illegal searches.
How to beat a gun charge #3. Challenging Bad Warrants and Illegal Searches
How to beat a gun charge #4. Plea negotiations and reducing sentencing minimums.
How to beat a gun charge #5. Transporting a gun to the range.
Other Gun Related Pages
NJ Gun Lawyer – Why you should consider hiring an attorney for your gun charge.
NJ Gun Laws – A comprehensive breakdown of gun laws in New Jersey.
Possession of a Weapon Charge NJ – Information on general weapons possession.
Possession of a Destructive Device NJ – Laws on destructive devices in NJ.
NJ Gun Permit Attorney – If you need an attorney for gun permits.
New Jersey Gun Permits – Information about obtaining paperwork for NJ firearms.
Gun Charges NJ – What your facing after NJ gun charges and how to fight them.
Certain Persons Offenses – Info about “certain persons to not own firearms” offenses.
BB Gun Charges – BB Gun Laws in New Jersey.
First Offense Gun Charges – Information about what happens on a first offense gun charge.
Forfeiture of Weapons – Sometimes the police will take your guns after a domestic dispute.
Gun Case Victories #1 – One of the gun cases that we won in NJ.
Gun Charges In NJ – A video on gun charges in NJ.
Gun Permit Attorney – A video on hiring an attorney to help you obtain gun permits.