Gun Lawyer NJ – New Jersey Gun Attorney – NJ Firearms and Weapons Offense Attorneys

“Guns and weapons charges are complicated matters, and our firm knows all of the defenses that can potentially lead these charges to be dismissed.”

gun charges attorney New Jersey Gun Charges Defense Lawyers

It is commonly understood that New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, with penalties that include minimum mandatory terms of incarceration, as well as judges who often choose to impose maximum prison sentences. The reality is that if you have been charged with a gun crime like possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose in NJ, you should be very concerned about what happens next because your freedom and your future are likely at stake. A conviction or guilty plea to a felony weapons offense may put you behind bars for a very long time, and that will be only the beginning of your troubles. After you serve your time and complete your prison sentence, you will have a gun crime conviction on your permanent record. The first move you should make if you’ve been charged with a weapons offense is to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you build the strongest possible defense.

The Tormey Law Firm is composed of experienced criminal defense attorneys who have been representing clients throughout New Jersey for years charged with illegal guns and weapons crimes. These include unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and even (far less seriously) illegal possession of a BB gun.

“The most important element in fighting any case is understanding what the prosecution is going to try to hold against you. We need to be aware of the case that the State will attempt to make, so that we can diffuse it when it comes to trial. This comes from experience within trial law, and years of actually fighting cases instead of routinely accepting plea bargains.”

We have former prosecutors on staff at The Tormey Law firm, which allows us to have a very clear knowledge of both sides of the law.  We know what to expect, and we know how to fight against it. When the prosecution understands that you can beat the case against them, they are far more likely to offer a great deal to get rid of potential criminal charges, and waive any chance of jail-time. Still, you need to demonstrate that their case can be defeated in order to get these results.

Feel free to call our firm, free of charge, for an initial consultation about how we can help you to fight your case.

(201) 556-1570

The Tormey Law Firm Gets Results in Gun Cases

Here are some weapons cases and results Mr. Tormey has obtained recently:

  • United States Marine charged with illegal weapons possession in Hudson County. Graves Act offense which requires jail time and parole ineligibility. Defendant sentenced to probation and no jail.
  • United States Marine and his wife charged with illegal gun possession in Morris County. Graves Act offense which requires jail time and parole ineligibility. Defendant admitted into the Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program which results in no criminal record when successfully completed.
  • Eighteen (18) year old young man and his friend charged with illegal weapons possession when visiting Cape May on vacation from their home state of Pennsylvania. Graves Act offense which requires jail time and parole ineligibility. Defendant admitted into Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program which results in no criminal record when successfully completed.

Weapons Charges in New Jersey

When most people think of weapons charges, they probably picture someone carrying a handgun without a legal right to do so. However, it is important to understand that illegal gun possession is just one type of gun charge in NJ. The state also prohibits the unlawful or improper use of guns that are legally owned. This is an important distinction because it means that even an individual who has followed the law and obtained a firearms ID card, carry permit, and any other legally required license can still be charged with a weapons offense if they use their legal gun in a certain manner.

The most common weapons charges our attorneys defend against include:

  • Unlawful possession of a weapon – N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5: It is against the law for a person to own or otherwise possess a handgun or other firearm without first registering the weapon and obtaining a license, permit, and/or firearms ID card. Additionally, even if the handgun is registered, the owner must have a valid carry permit in order to take the weapon outside their residence. Some firearms, such as sawed-off shotguns and defaced firearms, are illegal to possess under any circumstances.
  • Possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose – N.J.S.A. 2C:39-4: Even if you have a license or permit to own a firearm, you can still be charged with a crime for possessing the weapon with the intent to commit an unlawful act. For example, you are not allowed to take a handgun to someone’s residence or to a store for the purpose of committing a robbery or an assault. The determining factor in most of these cases is the intent of the person possessing the weapon.
  • Unlawful disposition of a firearm – N.J.S.A 2C:39-9: New Jersey directly addresses the unauthorized disposition or disposal of firearms in a manner that is not allowed by law, the statute is much broader in that it also covers the illegal manufacture, transport, shipping, or selling of firearms. Basically, any attempt to unlawfully move or transfer a firearm to another person, whether it’s a sale or a gift, can lead to very serious criminal charges. If the firearm crossed state lines prior to the transfer, it’s possible that the offender could face both state and federal charges.
  • BB Guns, Airsoft guns, Paintball guns – N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5(b)
  • Certain Persons Offenses – N.J.S.A. 2C:39-7: Certain individuals like convicted felons are prohibited from owning firearms in New Jersey. Under state law, anyone who has been convicted of certain crimes or who was committed to a mental institution is barred from obtaining a firearm purchase permit. The list of crimes that can result in an individual being permanently prohibited from ever owning a gun includes most weapons offenses, aggravated assault and other violent crimes, sexual assault and other sex offenses, and felony drug offenses.
  • Prohibited Weapons and Devices – N.J.S.A. 2C:39-3: Certain weapons and items are considered completely illegal for most people to possess in New Jersey. The degree of the charges and penalties in these cases are determined by the type of weapon involved.
  • Imitation Firearms Crimes: Despite is being legal to own an imitation firearm, whether is be a toy, fake gun, or similar replica of a weapon, criminal charges can arise from unlawfully using or intending to use an imitation firearm in New Jersey. It is also against the law to have such items at educational institutions.

New Jersey Guns and Weapons Laws

The truth is that NJ gun laws can be incredibly complicated and difficult to understand. Generally, New Jersey weapons laws can be broken into two sections. The first pertains to the legal purchase of firearms and ownership regulations involved with guns in New Jersey. The second type of gun law pertains to weapons offenses in New Jersey and criminal guns or weapons charges. For instance, it is a crime to illegally possess certain firearms without a permit and valid registration. It can also be a crime to possess any firearm if you have a criminal record that includes an eligible felony offense.

Also, it may be considered a crime if you intend to use a firearm in a certain manner, even if you are allowed to possess the weapon and you have a permit to do so. Moreover, there are certain types of guns that are always illegal to own, regardless of the circumstances, such as assault firearms. The possibility of being sentenced to prison and having a permanent criminal record makes it extremely important for anyone facing a guns or weapons charge in New Jersey to have qualified legal representation. If you have been arrested for a weapons offense, there is a lot you will want to know before your case proceeds and to position yourself for the best possible results, you need an experienced gun lawyer who knows how fight gun charges.

At The Tormey Law Firm, our knowledgeable firearms defense attorneys can assist you in defending against all types of firearms and weapons charges, including unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, illegally pointing a firearm, certain persons not to have weapons, and possession of prohibited weapons and devices. We represent clients across the state, including in Jersey City, Clifton, Elizabeth, Wayne, Paterson, Newark, Freehold, Toms River, and New Brunswick, as well as all other New Jersey towns and cities.

Please feel free to call us if you have any more questions regarding a guns or weapons case. Contact our firearms defense lawyers now for immediate assistance at 201-556-1570. The initial consultation is always provided free of charge.

How To Beat Gun Charges

With decades of experience, our criminal defense lawyers have developed advanced strategies for successfully beating weapons charges in New Jersey. With former prosecutors and renowned criminal defense attorneys on our team, we can raise strong defenses in your gun crime case and help you get the charges downgraded or dismissed. Of course, the viability of any defense will depend on the facts and circumstances of the case. In a lot of gun cases, the best way to fight the charge is to get crucial evidence thrown out in court.

For example, if you were charged with unlawful possession of a weapon after police stopped your vehicle and found a handgun in the glove compartment, it might be possible for your lawyer to challenge the constitutionality of the police search. Before police are allowed to search you or your vehicle, they must have either (1) your permission, (2) a search warrant, or (3) probable cause to conduct a search without a warrant. The absence of all of these things could be a reason to get evidence of you possessing a gun deemed inadmissible at trial. The following are some of the top defense strategies that our lawyers use on a regular basis to beat gun cases throughout New Jersey.

How to beat a gun charge #1: Challenging the “consent” of a search.
How to beat a gun charge #2. Challenging motor vehicle stops and illegal searches.
How to beat a gun charge #3. Challenging Bad Warrants and Illegal Searches
How to beat a gun charge #4. Plea negotiations and reducing sentencing minimums.
How to beat a gun charge #5. Transporting a gun to the range.

Other Gun Related Pages

NJ Gun Lawyer – Why you should consider hiring an attorney for your gun charge.

Possession of a Weapon Charge NJ – Information on weapons possession for unlawful purposes.

Possession of a Destructive Device NJ – Laws on destructive devices in NJ.

NJ Gun Permit Attorney – If you need an attorney for gun permits.

New Jersey Gun Permit Process  – Information about obtaining paperwork for NJ firearms.

Gun Charges NJ – What your facing after NJ gun charges and how to fight them.

Certain Persons Offenses – Information about “certain persons to not have firearms” offenses.

BB Gun Charges – BB Gun Laws in New Jersey.

Airsoft Gun Charges – If you have been charged with illegal possession of airsoft guns.

Prohibited Weapons and Devices – If you have been charged with possessing a prohibited weapon.

Imitation Firearms Charges – If you are facing charges in connection with an imitation gun.

First Offense Gun Charges – Information about what happens on a first offense gun charge.

Juvenile Possession of a Firearm – Details on the law, charges, and penalties that apply to minor’s charged with guns.

Forfeiture of Weapons – Sometimes the police will take your guns after a domestic dispute.

Graves Act Sentencing in New Jersey – Gun law requiring mandatory minimum sentences and periods of parole ineligibility.

Gun Case Victories – A few of the gun cases that we won in NJ.

Extreme Risk Protective Orders – NJ Red Flag Law that allows the state to take firearms and permits from someone deemed a safety risk.

Firearm and Weapon Charges NJ – An overview of how our firm handles guns and weapons offense cases


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Experience You Can Trust

With unmatched knowledge and experience in the practice of law, the seasoned attorneys at The Tormey Law Firm are committed to serving their clients and tenaciously confronting the allegations against them.

We will examine every facet of your case in order to defend your constitutional rights and reputation. With a dedicated legal advocate to assist you, our attorneys will ensure that you are never forced to navigate the complex legal process on your own.

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Learn More About How to Fight Your Charges

If you've been charged with a criminal offense, disorderly persons offense, or traffic / DWI violation, you have the right to an attorney who will defend you against your charges and fight for your best interests. To learn more about how your attorney can fight to have your charges dismissed or reduced, click a link below to see our video library of legal defenses and strategies.

The Tormey Law Firm

Areas we serve

Bergen County, Essex County, Morris County, Passaic County, Hudson County, Middlesex County, Somerset County including Morristown, Denville, Dover, Mount Olive, Parsippany, Hackensack, East Rutherford, Elmwood Park, Englewood, Fort Lee, Garfield, Lodi, Lyndhurst, Mahwah, Palisades Park, Paramus, Ridgefield Park, Saddle Brook, Teaneck, Clifton, and Wayne.

  • Hackensack Office

    254 State Street Hackensack, NJ 07601

    (201) 556-1570

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  • Morristown Office

    55 Madison Avenue Suite 400, Morristown, NJ 07960

    (908) 336-5008

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