Crimes of Moral Turpitude in NJ – What is a Crime of Moral Turpitude – CIMTs in New Jersey
“Crimes of Moral Turpitude have implications beyond the legal system, often threatening jobs, credibility, and even immigration status.”
While not necessarily punished severely in a court of law, your “morality” might be put into question in other circumstances. For example, you will not be permitted to practice law if convicted of a crime of moral turpitude; you also won’t be able to be a teacher. If convicted of such a crime, your testimony in court can be disregarded due to your “lack of morality”. If you are an immigrant in the United States, you might be deported. Scroll down to find more information on your charge, or read our Top 5 Ways To Beat A Criminal Charge.
We have classified the following crimes to fall onto this page, as they are frequent examples of crimes involving moral turpitude against property in New Jersey:
Burglary Charges – N.J.S.A. 2C:18-2 – Burglary refers to entering a structure (typically a home or car) with the intention to commit a crime therein (not necessarily a theft).
Carjacking Charges N.J.S.A. 2C:15-2 – Carjacking charges apply to those who take a car with the owner present, constituting a violent/threat crime, as well as a theft crime in NJ. With first degree penalties, this charge is very serious.
Fraud Charges – Fraud usually involves some form of deception for monetary gain.
Robbery Charges – N.J.S.A 2C:15-1 – Robbery implies some element of threat or force used to commit a theft.
Shoplifting Charges – N.J.S.A. 2C:20-11 – Shoplifting typically refers to stealing from a retail establishment.
Theft Charges – N.J.S.A 2C:20-11 – Theft can arise in a number of situations in which you take something that doesn’t belong to you.
Theft by Deception Charges – N.J.S.A. 2C:20-4 – Theft by deception occurs when you obtain the property of another by creating or reinforcing a false impression.
Receiving Stolen Property Charges – N.J.S.A. 2C:20-7 – Receiving Stolen Property offenses involve two critical aspects: receiving and presumption of knowledge.
Credit Card Theft Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:21-6c – Even possessing a stolen credit card in New Jersey can result in Credit Card Theft charges against you.
Credit Card Fraud Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:21-6h – Allegations for Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card typically arise when you are accused of making a purchase or obtaining services with a credit card that is invalid in some way or not legally yours.
Check Fraud Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:21-5 – Charges for Check Fraud or “Issuing Bad Checks” typically arise when a person is accused of issuing a check or money order with the knowledge that said amount will not be provided to the individual who attempts to redeem these funds.
Money Laundering Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:21-25 – Money laundering occurs someone covers-up a source of economic value obtained through illegal activity by funneling the property through a legal entity or legitimate business. A person accused of money laundering in NJ may face State and/or Federal charges for this offense.
Identity Theft Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17 – You can be charged with identity theft for using someone else’s credit card or bank information, birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, or any personal identifying information to obtain a benefit or avoid a legal obligation.
Extortion Charges: N.J.S.A. 2C:20-5 – New Jersey takes theft by extortion crimes very seriously, penalizing them with second degree parameters regardless of the value of what was obtained through threats or intimidation.
Contact The Tormey Law Firm for a Free Consultation about Your Crime of Moral Turpitude Defense in New Jersey
Our attorneys are ready to help defend you against allegations involving a crime of moral turpitude in New Jersey, and we can give you the information, guidance, and zealous representation you need to fight your case. With experienced New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorneys at The Tormey Law Firm, we stand ready for trial, and ready to help put this situation into your past, while also protecting your future. Please call us today (201) 556-1570.