In doing research before creating a page for Law in NJ, I came across the following information in the Rutger’s Law Library website. It’s an excellent page for countless NJ Legal Resources, so I pulled it directly from the site which can be found here.
N.J. Constitution
- New Jersey Constitution (on the Legislature’s web site)
- Leaming & Spicer’s Grants & Concessions (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library) – Includes constitutional documents from the period 1664 to 1702.
- New Jersey Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents from 1664 through 1776 (Avalon Project at Yale)
- New Jersey Historical Laws, Constitutions, and Charters (at New Jersey State Library). Includes colonial charters and Constitutions of 1776, 1844, and 1947.
- General Statutes of 1895 includes
- New Jersey Constitutional Convention Proceedings 1947 (at the State Library) Searchable and browsable, but to browse you must first get a search result, then follow link to table of contents or to prior or next page.
- “Traces of Its Labors”: The Constitutional Commission, The Legislature, and Their Influence on the New Jersey Constitution, 1873-1875, by Peter J. Mazzei and Robert F. Williams (N.J. Office of Legislative Services, 2012). Includes the proceedings and reports of the Constitutional Commission of 1873, newspaper accounts of its deliberations, and other documentation of the 1875 amendments.
- New Jersey Constitutional Documents Online (at Rutgers-Camden Law Library). Includes proceedings of constitutional conventions of 1776 and 1844; proceedings and report of 1942 joint legislative committee, and other documents. Images from microfilm; browsable but not searchable.
N.J. Statutes, Bills, & Legislative History
- New Jersey Legislature Includes: the New Jersey Permanent Statutes Database (a very current, searchable, but not easily browsable, version of the statutes); the Chapter Laws from 1996 forward; Legislative Bills from 1996 forward; Public Hearings from 1996 forward; and, beginning in 2001, audio and video recordings of some floor and committee proceedings. For enactment information on this site more recent than that in the “Chapter Laws” section, check the recent issues of the “Legislative Digest,” looking at the end of each issue under “Bills Signed Into Law Since Last Session.” Caution: the Permanent Statutes Database currently includes some expired sections; see the disclaimer on the site.
- New Jersey Statutes (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library). This version of the statutes offers full-text searching, easier browsing than the version on the Legislature’s site, and automated retrieval of cases citing the statutes (to the extent they are available in the Rutgers case archive).
- New Jersey Law Revision Commission Includes Commission reports.
- Historical Compilations of New Jersey Law (at New Jersey State Library): links to old statutory compilations, available through Google and the Internet Archive.
- New Jersey Legislative Counsel Opinions (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- New Jersey Legislative Histories (at the State Library): Legislative history references for Laws of 1970 forward; the 1970 to 1997 histories (still being scanned and uploaded) include texts of bills, committee statements, and governor’s messages; the histories from 1998 forward have links to bill texts, committee statements, and public hearing texts. (For 1998 to 2000, the links to public hearings are dead, but can be made live by inserting ⁄legislativepub before ⁄Pubhear.)
- New Jersey Session Laws Online (at Rutgers-Camden Law Library). This is a browsable but not searchable collection of legislative acts, digitized from microform. Coverage is 1776-1999. In order to retrieve a particular law efficiently, you need to know the year and page number (retrieval by chapter number is not possible). Page images can be printed or downloaded: position cursor near top left of image to make ikons for printing or downloading appear. (Note for Rutgers-Newark Law School community: the New Jersey session laws from 1776 to 2008 are available in fully searchable PDF format in HeinOnline.)
- New Jersey Statute Compilations (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library): Includes Leaming & Spicer’s Grants & Concessions (laws from 1664 to 1702), the Revised Statutes of 1846, the Revision of 1877 the General Statutes of 1895, and Luce’s Tables.
- Report of the Attorney General’s Task Force on Sovereign Immunity (1972) (at the State Library). This is part of the legislative history of Title 59 of the N.J. Statutes.
- Report to the Governor on the Subject of Tort Reform (1994) (at the State Library)
- Other sites, some of which include New Jersey legislation.
N.J. Case Law & Court Proceedings
- Google Scholar includes New Jersey case law from 1950 forward. On the Advanced Search page, scroll down to select just New Jersey cases for searching.
- NEW JERSEY COURTS SEARCH PAGE (Rutgers-Newark Law Library): Supreme Court from March 1994 forward, Appellate Division and Tax Court from Sept. 1995 forward. Includes unpublished Appellate Division opinions from Sept.20,2005 forward.
- Opinions on the Judiciary web site:
- SUPREME AND APPELLATE COURT OPINIONS Opinions of just the most recent ten business days. Includes only published opinions
- Unpublished Appellate Court Opinions Unpublished Appellate Division opinions from just the most recent ten business days.
- Business Related Opinions: Selected opinions on business disputes, contract disputes, business governance, and other business-related topics – includes both published and unpublished, Supreme Court, Appellate Division and trial court opinions – only from the most recent six months.
- Trial Court Opinions Approved for Publication: Gives opinions of the trial divisions of the Superior Court approved for publication during the current week and previous week. NOTE: Since relatively few trial court opinions are approved for publication, there will sometimes be no actual opinions at this site. However, the site includes a cumulating PDF of squibs of these opinions from 2008 forward.
- Trial Court Decisions (These are decisions of the Law Division and Chancery Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, on civil matters, not approved for publication, which are posted at the judge’s discretion, for the convenience of attorneys and litigants, for a six-week period only.)
- New Jersey FindACase™: a free version of the VersusLaw searchable database of New Jersey case law from 1930 forward, with results displayed in full text, lacking only the volume-and-page citations and docket numbers.
- Reporters (at New Jersey State Library): links to volumes of N.J.Law Reports, N.J. Equity Reports, and Atlantic Reporter available through Google Books.
- New Jersey Law Journal, volumes 1 to 45 (1878 to 1922) (Google Books links compiled at N.J. State Library) Early years of the N.J.L.J. include numerous cases not elsewhere published.
- Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of New-Jersey relative to the manumission of Negroes and others holden in bondage (“Bloomfield’s Manumission Cases”) (1794) (at the Univ.of Virginia Electronic Text Center)
- Federal district court: For links to opinions of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, see our U.S. Federal Law page.
- Other sites which include New Jersey caselaw.
- Supreme Court Arguments. Live webcast and thirty-day archive of arguments before the Supreme Court, in streaming video. Also includes the opinions under appeal.
- Supreme Court of N.J. Oral Arguments Archive (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library). Archive of arguments older than thirty days, starting January 2005. .
- ACMS-PA (Automated Case Management System – Public Access): docket and judgment information on civil cases; coverage starting dates vary from county to county, between Nov.1987 and Feb.1992 (Special Civil Part starting dates vary between June 1988 and Dec.1994).
- Calendars and Schedules (Judiciary site); includes:
- Supreme Court Agendas which give the legal questions presented by the cases argued in the current court year.
- Appellate Division Calendar (current three weeks)
- Civil Motion Calendar Search, covers motion calendars for the Law Division Civil Part and Special Civil Part and the Chancery Division General Equity Part, for a six-week period from two weeks before the current date to four weeks after the current date.
- Supreme and Appellate Court Opinions Expected for Release This page, also at the Judiciary site, lists Supreme Court and Appellate Division opinions scheduled for release the next day–including Appellate Division opinions not approved for publication. At the bottom of the page are links to monthly cumulations of these lists, from January 2004 forward.
- Supreme Court Case Files, 1686-1849 (N.J. Div. of Archives & Records Management): an index to the case files by names, county, case type, and year.
- Track Supreme Court Appeals. List of cases pending decision, with brief statements of questions presented. Indicates date certification granted and date argued.
N.J. Court Rules & other Judiciary Material
- NEW JERSEY JUDICIARY: Includes court directory information and substantial explanatory material on the court system and the judicial process.
- Appellate Forms
- Board of Bar Examiners site, includes information on admission to the bar in New Jersey; sample bar exam questions and answers; and lists of recent successful candidates for the bar.
- Board on Attorney Certification site includes Board’s regulations and lists of certified civil, criminal, matrimonial, and workers’ compensation attorneys.
- Board on Continuing Legal Education Regulations (Notice to the Bar, Jan. 2010)
- Child Support Guidelines
- Compilation of Administrative Directives
- Guidelines for Captioning Cases
- Legal Practice Forms
- Manual on Style for Judicial Opinions
- Model Civil Jury Charges
- Model Criminal Jury Charges
- Notices to the Bar (1999– )
- Organizational Chart for Pre-1948 Court System
- Regulations Governing the Committee on Character (N.J. Board of Bar Examiners)
- Represent Yourself in Court (Pro Se) Self-Help Resource Center
- Rules Governing the Courts of New Jersey
- Sentencing Guidelines
- Standards for Appellate Review
- Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule (amounts payable on violations not requiring court appearance)
- Supreme Court Rules Committee Reports: 2000-02 | 2002-04 | 2004-06 | 2004-07 | 2006-08 | 2007-09 | 2008-10 | 2009-11 | 2010-12
N.J. Ethics Codes & Ethics Opinions
Attorneys | Judiciary | Executive Branch | Legislative Branch
- Rules of Professional Conduct (governing the legal profession):
- Rules of Professional Conduct (Judiciary site)
- Rules of Professional Conduct (N.J. Law Network)
- Opinions of the N.J.Supreme Court’s Ethics Committees (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library) Opinions of the Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics, the Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law, and the Committee on Attorney Advertising.
- Disciplinary Histories (N.J. Office of Attorney Ethics) listings of all public discipline cases from 1984 forward.
- Decisions of the N.J. Supreme Court Disciplinary Review Board (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library). Disciplinary Review Board decisions from Sept. 1998 forward.
- The New Jersey Bartender. This site, maintained by Citizens for Justice in New Jersey Inc., provides “a list of New Jersey lawyers who have been formally charged with or sanctioned for ethics violations,” from 1995 forward. For a relatively small number of these cases, the site also provides full texts of documents such as complaints and answers.
- Setting the Record Straight: Page about dispute over N.J. Committee on Attorney Advertising Opinion 39 regarding “Superlawyers” and “Best Lawyers in America.”
Judges & Judiciary Employees
- Code of Judicial Conduct
- Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, complaints, presentments, orders, and other documents in judicial misconduct cases, 2007 forward.
- Annotated Guidelines for Extrajudicial Activities (Nov.2007): (on Rutgers-Newark site)
- Code of Conduct for Judiciary Employees
- Code of Professional Conduct for Interpreters, Transliterators & Translators
Executive Branch
- Code of Conduct for the Governor is Appendix A of Gov. Corzine’s Executive Order No.1 (Jan.17,2006).
- Codes of Ethics For State Agencies
- Codes of Ethics for County Agencies
- Executive Commission on Ethical Standards, Newsletters (1992–) Include case summaries.
- Report of the Special Ethics Counsel to the Governor . . . Ethics Reforms Recommendations for the Executive Branch of New Jersey Government (March 14, 2005). Appendices of this report, starting at page 144 of the PDF, include proposed texts of a Uniform Ethics Code, Plain Language Ethics Guide, and Business Ethics Guide. See also Gov. Codey’s Executive Order 36.
Legislative Branch
- Legislative Code of Ethics
- Formal Advisory Opinions of the Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards (by year and by subject)
N.J. Executive Orders & Circular Letters
- N.J.Governors’ Executive Orders 1941 to Jan.1990 (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- Executive Orders from 1990 forward, with selected earlier ones. Note: Arrangement is by administration, latest first, and numerically within each administration. For recent orders not yet included on this page, try the Governor’s Press Releases.
- A Selection of New Jersey Governors’ Executive Orders of Government-Wide Significance, Evidently Still in Force
- Circular Letters
N.J. Regulations
- New Jersey Administrative Code and Register Page: Freely accessible from this site are: the entire New Jersey Administrative Code (about a month less current than the commercial Lexis version), and the New Jersey Register from July 1995 through the latest issue.
- New Jersey Register 1969 through June 1995 (at N.J. State Library)
- New Jersey Building Codes: New Jersey editions of the International Building Code and related codes.
- N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance, Legislative & Regulatory Affairs. Includes Bulletins and administrative Orders from 2001 forward.
- N.J. Department of Community Affairs
- Division of Fire Safety, Bulletins (2000–)
- Local Finance Notices (1998 to date and selected pre-1998)
- N.J. Department of Human Services, Administrative Orders (incomplete collection)
- N.J. Office of Emergency Management, Directives
- State Tax News (1994–) (N.J. Division of Taxation) Includes explanatory “Tax Briefs.” (See also What’s New? including archived news 1997 to date)
- Traffic Regulations: Orders of the Commissioner of Transportation
- See also Interstate Agencies below.
N.J. Administrative Decisions
- N.J. Administrative Reports [first series], 1979-1991 (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- N.J.Administrative Law Decisions from Oct.1997 forward (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- Board of Medical Examiners, Public Disciplinary Notices (2002–) (click on “Board Activities,” and then on “Summary of Board Actions”)
- Board of Public Utilities, Orders, 2007 forward.
- Civil Service Commission
- Notable Decisions: A digest of selected decisions, with links to the full texts.
- Merit System Reporter (2004) and Merit System Reporter Archive (1997-2002): a twice-yearly digest of the notable decisions.
- Council on Affordable Housing, opinions and other documents, 1986 forward (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- Council on Local Mandates Decisions
- Department of Banking & Insurance:
- Acquisition Orders (2006–)
- Depository & Licensee Enforcement Activity (abstracts of orders, 2006–)
- Insurance Enforcement Activity (abstracts of orders, 2004–)
- Selected Arbitration Decisions under Program for Independent Claims Payment Arbitration (PICPA) (2008–)
- Department of Community Affairs, Division of Codes & Standards, Formal Technical Opinions
- Division on Civil Rights, Director’s Orders & Findings (2002–)
- Election Law Enforcement Commission, Advisory Opinions (1998–)
- Government Records Council Decisions and Advisory Opinions
- Public Employment Relations Commission: Reference page, includes PERC Decisions (1969–). Also on the PERC web site, grouped under “Other Agency Decisions,” are:
- Appeals Board decisions (ABD) from 1984 forward;
- Director Decisions from 1981 forward (designated either DR for Director of Representation or DUP for Director of Unfair Practices);
- Executive Director decisions (ED) from 1970 to 1976;
- Hearing Examiner (HE) and Hearing Officer (HO) decisions from 1976 forward;
- Interim Relief (IR) decisions from 1981 forward;
- Litigation Alternative Program decisions (LD) from 1985 forward; and
- Payroll Deduction Determinations (PDD) from 2003 forward.
Site also has Synopses of Recent Decisions (1997–)
- School Law Decisions(1912–) (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- School Law Decisions (1955 through 1985, and some earlier) (at N.J. State Library)
- School Law Decisions (1997–)
- Workers Compensation Decisions (1999–) Includes court decisions and Workers Compensation Division Reserved Decisions.
N.J. Attorney General’s Guidelines, Directives, & Opinions
- Guidelines, Directives,Standards etc. (Dep’t of Law & Public Safety, Div.of Criminal Justice)
- Attorney General Guidelines
- Formal Opinions (1949 to date) (on Office of the Attorney General web site): Each bound volume of opinions from 1949-50 through 1978-84 is given here as a single PDF; these volumes also include Memorandum Opinions issued from 1954 through 1966. Opinions from 1985 forward are given as separate documents.
- Attorney General Opinions (1949-1998) (at Rutgers-Newark Law Library)
- Attorney General’s Opinions on Local Government (Nov.1997–) (at Dep’t of Community Affairs, Div. Of Local Gov’t Services)
N.J. Municipal & County Ordinances
Electronic Ordinance Library (N.J. State League of Municipalities): sample ordinances arranged by topic.
Local Right-to-Farm Ordinances (collected by State Agriculture Development Committee)
Pay-to-Play Ordinances (collected by N.J. Secretary of State).
General Code Publishers (codes of about 270 New Jersey municipalities). Note: General Code also publishes a collection of N.J. municipal codes on CD-ROM, that includes some codes not found on the web; Rutgers-Newark Law School faculty and students can access those codes here.
Coded Systems LLC (codes of about 130 New Jersey municipalities, including Newark) (Note: most require Internet Explorer.)
Municode Library (codes of 15 New Jersey municipalities, including Elizabeth, Jersey City and New Brunswick)
Other municipal codes or ordinance compilations:
- Burlington (City) (single PDF of 1996 code; for current code see General Code Publishers)
- Hammonton (American Legal Publishing Corp.)
- Harvey Cedars
- Lincoln Park
- Pequannock Twp.
- Voorhees (American Legal Publishing Corp.)
- Waldwick
County and municipal web sites (N.J.State government web page) and New Jersey Municipal web Sites (City Connections) : check municipality’s website if code not listed above or on General Code or Coded Systems sites; if found, please let us know for addition to our list.
Interstate Agencies of which New Jersey is a member
- Atlantic Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact Commission
- Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Publications page includes compact and regulations.
- Delaware River and Bay Authority. The About-the-DRBA page includes bylaws and resolutions.
- Delaware River Basin Commission. Site includes Regulations page with 1961 compact, 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decree, Rules of Practice & Procedure, Comprehensive Plan, Water Code, Flood Plain Regulations, and Water Quality Regulations.
- Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission
- Delaware River Port Authority of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- Driver License Compact Commission Site includes Administrative Procedures Manual, and information on the Nonresident Violator Compact and the combined Driver License Agreement.
- Interstate Environmental Commission Reports page includes Organization & Regulations.
- Interstate Industrialized Buildings Commission. The Forms & Regulations page includes Uniform Administrative Procedures, Model Rules & Regulations, Formal Interpretations, and Formal Technical Opinions.
- Interstate Pest Control Compact. Includes Insurance Fund bylaws and articles of association.
- Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council. Publications page, includes regulations.
- National Emergency Management Association
- Palisades Interstate Park Commission. Site includes Regulations page.
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Site includes
- By-Laws of the Port Authority and Its Subsidiaries
- Airport Rules and Regulations
- Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations at Tunnel and Bridge Facilities (“Red Book”)
- Traffic Rules & Regulations (for bridges and tunnels) (“Green Book”)
- Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor
N.J. Legal Newspapers & Blogs
- New Jersey Law Journal : searchable database of articles, 2000 to date (anyone can search and view citations; NJLJ subscribers can view most full text; access to feature articles and some other content older than six months is limited to LexisNexis subscribers). Rutgers Law School students and faculty, use this link for full access (courtesy of Rutgers Law School Alumni Association).
- New Jersey Law Journal, volumes 1 to 45 (1878 to 1922) (Google Books links compiled at N.J. State Library)
- Blawg Search: New Jersey Blogs (on
- New Jersey Legal Blogs (directory at N.J. State Law Library)
- NJLLA Lib-Log: News of Interest to New Jersey Law Librarians
N.J. Law-Related Organizations
- Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey
- Legal Services of New Jersey
- N.J. Association of Counties
- N.J. Institute for Continuing Legal Education
- N.J. Law Librarians Association
- N.J. State Bar Association
- N.J. State Bar Foundation
- N.J. State League of Municipalities
- Paralegal Association of New Jersey
N.J. Topical Legal Sites
See our Topical Legal Sites page under these topics:
- Criminal Law
- Education Law
- Eminent Domain
- Family Law
- Housing Law
- Land Use, Property, & Zoning
- Legal Ethics
- Legal History
Other N.J. Legal Sites
Free sites
- Changes and Additions to the New Jersey Lawyers Diary and Manual Since Publication
- lexisONE (registration required): Includes New Jersey caselaw from the last five years, searchable with Lexis connectors and segment- restrictions, and retrievable in full text at no charge.
- LSNJ LAW: You and the Law in New Jersey
- New Jersey DataBank: Justice (Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration, Newark): national rankings and state and local reports on New Jersey’s justice system.
- New Jersey Legal Research Handbook 6th Edition Supplement by Paul Axel-Lute
- New Jersey Legal Resources (at N.J.State Library) – The “Historical Laws & Constitutions” portion includes links to old treatises and other materials available through Google Books and the Internet Archive.
- N.J. Law Network
- New Jersey Law 1790s-1920s (Prof. Paul Clemens, History Dep’t, Rutgers Univ.), a collection of statutes and cases on abortion, divorce law, water rights & other economic disputes, criminal responsibility, and slavery.
- Rutgers Univ. Law School, Newark
——Law Library - Rutgers Univ. Law School, Camden
——Law Library - Seton Hall Univ. Law School
——Peter Rodino Law Library
Fee-based services
- Gann Law Books: GannPrime includes: the complete New Jersey statutes (unannotated); the New Jersey Reports and New Jersey Superior Court Reports; Gann treatises on New Jersey legal topics; annotated versions of the court rules and Titles 2C, 14A, & 59 of the statutes. (Rutgers Law School students & faculty: use this link for access)
- Lexis-Nexis Includes current annotated N.J. statutes, court rules, and regulations, and N.J. caselaw from 1789 forward.
- Westlaw Campus Research (Rutgers University access only)
(This service is available to all Rutgers users through a subscription by the Rutgers Univ. Libraries.) Includes current N.J. statutes annotated, court rules, and regulations, and N.J. caselaw from 1789 forward..
- LoisLaw Includes N.J. statutes, court rules, regulations, caselaw from 1924 forward.
- National Law Library Includes N.J. statutes, court rules, caselaw from 1950 forward.
- QuickLaw America Includes N.J. statutes, regulations, court rules, caselaw: high court decisions 1930 forward, Superior Court 1948 forward.
- VersusLaw Includes N.J. caselaw from 1930 forward.
- Westlaw Includes N.J. statutes, court rules, regulations, caselaw from 1789 forward, administrative decisions, law journals and legal newspapers.
Publications for the Layperson on New Jersey Law and Court Procedure
- You and the Law in New Jersey: A Resource Guide, by Melville D. Miller, Jr., Leighton A. Holness, and the Staff of Legal Services of New Jersey. Rutgers University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-8135-2532-2, paper, $19.00
- Elder Law in New Jersey: Finding Solutions for Legal Problems, by Alice K. Dueker. Rutgers University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-8135-2736-8, paper, $18.00.
- Consumer’s Guide to the New Jersey Lemon Law (from N.J. Division of Consumer Affairs)
- Getting Back on the Road: A Manual for Addressing Drivers License Suspension in New Jersey, by Nancy L. Fishman, Laurel H. Dumont & John W. Bartlett . 2nd ed. (N.J. Institute for Social Justice, July 2008)
- Legal Services of New Jersey, Self-Help Publications. Publications viewable at this site include:
- Clearing Your Record, a guide to expungement of arrest or conviction records (note: web edition does not include forms).
- Know Your Welfare Rights (five titles, each available in either English or Spanish)
- Looking Out for Your Legal Rights (monthly newsletter)
- Tenants’ Rights in New Jersey
- Termination of Parental Rights: A Handbook for Parents
Also on the site are prices and order information for print versions.
- New Jersey Division of Civil Rights, Fact Sheets: Eight fact sheets on various kinds of discrimination, designed for downloading and reproduction.
- New Jersey Judiciary, Forms and Kits for Self-Represented Litigants (Pro Se). (See also the United States District Court, District of New Jersey, Procedural Guide for Pro Se Litigants, and the page Filing Without An Attorney at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Dist.of N.J.)
- New Jersey State Bar Foundation Publications titles that can be viewed at or downloaded from this site include:
- AIDS and the Law in New Jersey: A Practical Guide
- Bankruptcy: A Basic Guide to Personal Bankruptcy
- Consumer’s Guide to New Jersey Law
- Disability Law Primer
- Education Rights of Homeless Students
- Law Points for Senior Citizens
- Legal Consequences of Substance Abuse
- Residential Construction & Renovation: A Legal Guide for New Jersey Homeowners
- The Right to Special Education in New Jersey: A Guide for Advocates
- Students Rights Handbook
- Understanding Public School Residency Requirements: A Guide for Advocates
- New Jersey Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (from Div. of Taxation)
- Women’s Guide to Rights & Resources in New Jersey (from League of Women Voters)