Mahwah NJ DWI Lawyer
“You have found a DWI attorney in Mahwah, New Jersey who knows how to undermine every facet of the case against you. I fight to have these charges dismissed.”
“The penalties for DWI include driver’s license suspension, crazy insurance spikes, and thousands of dollars out of your pocket in fines and surcharges. You don’t have to accept these punishments, and I encourage you to fight back.”
I know how you feel right now, I get phone calls every day from people who were arrested for DWI. Mahwah is a tough town for drunk driving, and you are certainly not alone if you or someone you know is dealing with a DWI case. Spanning over 26 square miles, Mahwah is by far the largest municipality in Bergen County in terms of size. In fact, it is over double the size of the next-largest town, giving police a ton of area to enforce New Jersey’s tough DWI laws. Being charged with a DUI offense is serious and the consequences can be completely overwhelming. However, you can successfully beat a DWI case in many instances.
As an experienced DWI defense lawyer, I understand the specific defenses that work in this type of case. I can promise you several things about myself, and the representation that you will receive if you hire The Tormey Law Firm:
- I have a series of advanced defense tactics that I use in DWI cases, like “Challenging the Field Sobriety Tests“, “Challenging The Initial Stop“, or “Challenging the 20 Minute Observation Period“. I’ve use these strategies in thousands of DWI cases that I’ve handled.
- I am one of few NJ DWI Attorneys that is certified to operate and therefore challenge the breath testing device that the police use in DWI charges. There are very few attorneys that can say the same thing. This allows me to “Fight The Alcotest Reading“.
- My tactics and strategies in the courtroom have allowed me to build relationships with the prosecutors that you are facing. If they know that their case can be dismantled, they are far more likely to negotiate instead of going to trial.
- I enjoy fighting DWI cases in court, and I am passionate about winning.
- I am going to help you get through this. I will answer all of your questions, I will let you know exactly where and when you need to be in court, and I will be available any time you need me.
Give me a call for a free DWI consultation. I am more than happy to talk to you about your charges, how your arrest specifically happened, and what you can expect. My team and I are happy to be by your side in this fight.
Travis J. Tormey Esq.
Phone: (201) 556-1570
Mahwah Municipal Court Information
Here’s some other information and directions about the Mahwah municipal court that might help you on the day of your trial:
475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, NJ
(201) 529-2862
Mahwah Municipal Court Info:
- Anthony J. Gianni, Jr. is the Judge.
- Dennis Harraka is the Prosecutor.
- Lorraine Cuomo is the Court Administrator.
Directions to Mahwah Municipal Court:
From Route 17 North: Exit MacArthur Blvd/Island Road, make left at light and cross over Route 17. Continue on MacArthur to Corporate Drive, (Seiko is on the corner of MacArthur and Corporate Drive), make right onto Corporate Drive.
Other Helpful Links and Information about Mahwah, New Jersey
- The Mahwah Police Department is located at 221 Franklin Turnpike and can be contacted at 201-529-1000. For more information on the Mahwah Police Department, please visit their website.
Mahwah DUI Defense Attorneys Fight Your Charges
If you are looking for a DWI defense lawyer to aggressively defend you in Mahwah or elsewhere in Bergen County NJ, you have come to the right place. Contact The Tormey Law Firm today for a free consultation about your DUI case. We can be reached anytime at 201-556-1570 and will be happy to answer all of your questions.