“You have found a defense attorney in NJ that will challenge every element of the case against you, and fight to have the charges dismissed entirely.”
“You don’t have to let these legal issues take over your life or hurt your future. Our firm can help you put this situation in your past.”
People call me every day with different charges, and a different story behind them. Your case might involve the threat of prison or huge fines. Hopefully, it’s as simple as a motor vehicle issue. Even so, loss of license or addition of points are better off avoided.
The only thing that matters now is getting you out of trouble.
As a defense attorney, here’s what I can promise you about myself and the representation that you will receive when you hire The Tormey Law Firm:
- I am familiar with every possible way to challenge the case against you. I know which strategies work consistently, and how to implement them in the courtroom.
- I am one of few NJ DWI Attorneys that is certified to operate and therefore Challenge the breath testing device that the police use in DWI charges. There are very few attorneys that can say the same thing. I strongly recommend you take a look at our DWI Defense Strategy Videos or Marijuana Defense Strategy videos if that is the nature of your charge.
- My tactics and strategies in the courtroom have allowed me to build relationships with the prosecutors that you are facing. If they know that their case can be dismantled, they are far more likely to negotiate a plea.
- I enjoy fighting cases in court. I am passionate about winning.
- I am going to help you get through this. I will answer all of your questions, I will let you know exactly where and when you need to be in court, and I will be available any time you need me.
I know that you’d like to put these legal problems behind you quickly (in the best situation without breaking your bank account or finding yourself in jail). On a positive note, as an Saddle Brook NJ defense lawyer and Saddle Brook DWI lawyer, I can definitely help you get through this. Depending on your case, you could possibly get out of trouble entirely.
“The first step in finding the right NJ criminal lawyer is to choose someone who’s not afraid to stand up in court and fight to keep you out of trouble.”
Click Here To Read More about our firm, and what makes us different from all of the others out there.
Feel free to look around my site for strategy videos on how we fight your charges. Otherwise please feel free to contact me at any time, day or night, for a free consultation.
Travis J. Tormey Esq.
Phone: (201) 556-1571
Here’s some information about the Saddle Brook municipal court that you will need on the day of your trial:
Saddle Brook Municipal Court
73 Market St
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Saddle Brook is a township in Bergen County, NJ. The township has a population of 13,700 people and a total area of 2.7 square miles. The township is a central transportation hub, intersected by the Garden State Parkway (exit 159), Interstate Route 80 (exit 62), and State Highway 46. The Saddle Brook Municipal Court is located at 93 Market Street. The court office is open Monday-Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm, and the court office can be contacted directly at 201-843-7642.
For more information on the Saddle Brook Municipal Court, please visit their website.
Saddle Brook Municipal Court Info:
- Nicholas Nasarenko is the Judge.
- Brian Giblin is the Prosecutor.
- Thomas E. Cuomo is the Court Administrator.
Directions to Saddle Brook Municipal Court:
Route 46 traveling EAST:
Use left lane exit onto Fifth Street. At light turn right onto Market Street.
Route 46 traveling WEST:
Once past the Saddle Brook Mall (and traffic light), turn right at next light onto Fifth Street. Follow the directions for Route 46 EAST.
Route 80 traveling EAST:
Take exit 62B (marked Saddle River Road) and turn right onto Saddle River Road. Proceed about 1 mile, then turn right onto Market Street.
Route 80 traveling WEST:
Take exit 62 (marked Garden State Parkway (North)/Saddle Brook) and stay in right lane. Follow signs to “Saddle Brook” (do NOT follow “Midland Avenue”) and turn right at the end of exit ramp onto Pehle Avenue (opposite the Radisson Hotel). Follow to traffic light and turn right onto Saddle River Road. Proceed one block to monument circle and turn right onto Mayhill Street. Go about 2 miles, then turn left onto Market Street.
Garden State Parkway traveling NORTH:
Take exit 159 (marked Route 80, Saddle Brook, GWB). Pay toll and stay to right, follow road past the Marriott Hotel and turn right onto Pehle Avenue. Follow to traffic light and turn right onto Saddle River Road. Proceed one block to monument circle and turn right onto Mayhill Street. Go about 2 miles, then turn left onto Market Street.
Garden State Parkway traveling SOUTH:
Stay far right approaching Bergen Toll Plaza (exit 159). Pay toll and stay to right, following signs to “Saddle Brook.” Bear right and take jug handle onto New Pehle Avenue. Proceed straight at first light and turn left at second light onto Pehle Avenue. Follow directions from here given for GSP NORTH.
Other Links and Helpful Information
- The Saddle Brook Police Department is located at 63 Market Street and can be contacted at 201-843-7000. For more information on the Saddle Brook Police Department, please visit their website.