Latest Charges Against Teaneck Man for Alleged Thefts at Hackensack Ice Rink
A man from Teaneck, New Jersey is facing numerous theft-related charges in connection with multiple incidents, the most recent of which involved him allegedly stealing money and property from the locker room of an ice rink located in Hackensack.
According to officials from the Teaneck Police Department, 22-year-old Teaneck resident Daniel M. Margulies is accused of stealing almost $1,000 in cash as well as other personal items, from the open locker room of the Ice House in Hackensack while a men’s league hockey game was taking place. He is facing charges in connection with two separate incidents, which occurred on January 30th and February 3rd, respectively.
Per police documents, Margulies has a history of theft-related arrests and multiple cases pending. At the end of May, he was arrested for allegedly committing another theft crime in February and was released after posting bail in the amount of $5,000. In addition, he has an open armed robbery case in Bergen County related to a gas station robbery which occurred in Lodi in December of 2012. The trial related to this case has yet to begin.
Margulies could be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration in New Jersey State Prison if he is found guilty of any of the above charges, the most serious being those for armed robbery. Under N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1, which governs robbery offenses, robbery is a first degree crime if the actor is armed with a deadly weapon at the time of the offense. First degree crimes, the most serious in New Jersey, can result in a term of imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years upon conviction. In addition, robbery offenses are among those listed in the “No Early Release Act,” which requires defendants to serve 85% of sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole.
As for the theft charges Margulies is facing in connection with the most recent Hackensack incident, he could be sentenced to a lesser term of imprisonment if convicted. According to N.J.S.A. 20-3, theft offenses involving amounts ranging from $500.00 to $75,000.00 are classified as third degree crimes, which carry a prison sentence ranging from 3 to 5 years.
For more information pertaining to this case, access the following article: Teaneck man charged in Hackensack hockey league thefts